The maintenance men will being snowplowing when there is an accumulation of two inches or more of snow. Snow removal is done usually after a storm has ended. The men work to make sure that the roads are plowed, sanded and in safe travel conditions as soon as possible after snow storm.
Remember it is against the law (M.S.160.27) to plow snow onto or across township roads. Depositing snow onto or across a public road can be a road hazard (such as a frozen rut or bump) which can damage the truck or cause a traffic accident. The property owner and the person who put the snow onto the roadway are liable for any damage that may occur.
Do not park cars, trucks or other vehicles on the road right of way!!
Only mailboxes and fences properly located and installed that are damaged by actual contact with township equipment will be repaired at township expense.
Grading of the roads are done after a rain. During the summer months if there is very little rain, it is almost impossible to grade the roads, but every effort is made to keep the roads with a smooth surface.
Calcium chloride will be applied to roads that the town board and the maintenance dept. deem to be high-traffic roads and roads with the most bumps/ruts in the township.
Remember it is a violation of state law, (M.S. 160.2715) to remove any earth, gravel or rock from any roadway. Clearwater Township employees are the only persons authorized to maintain our roads.
Policy for installation and replacement of mailboxes and mailbox supports adopted February 17, 2009
- The mailbox support must be a swing-away mailbox support.
- The mailbox support shall be positioned so the door of the mailbox is lined up with the outside edge of the shoulder of the road.
- The bottom of the mailbox shall be approximately 42" from the road to the bottom of the installed mailbox, not the top of the post.
- The length of the horizontal bar on the mailbox support shall be approximately 48".
- Newspaper tubes shall be placed above the horizontal pipe to prevent snowplow damage. (Installation shall be done by vendors.)
- Mailboxes will only be repaired or replaced only if the mailbox supports meet the township standards and are damaged when actually hit by the snowplowing equipment.
The standard mailbox swing-away supports are available for purchase at the township office and will be installed by our maintenance department at the cost of $75. The individual mailbox shall be purchased and installed by the township resident.